My daughter tapped out after Season Four Episode 1!

So I've had the indescribable pleasure of re-watching the first three seasons of "Arrested Development" with my 16-yr old daughter.

It has filled me with so much pride how much she loves it, and it's given us a whole new arsenal of quotes and private jokes to text each other randomly during the day. (No surprise, she can't get enough of the chicken impressions).

I tried to 'prep' her for Season 4, and I told her she should make her own opinion (the remastered/recut version that Netflix has as the main choice). I told her that it's very divisive, that I'd let her make her own opinion.

Welp. We watched one, ONE episode, and she tapped out. She couldn't take it. She said it was weird and that something just felt 'off.' "It didn't feel like Arrested Development" she said.

Like I said, so proud lol. (I tried to at least get her to the 2nd episode, and the dorm room draw-off, because that's my favorite moment in S4, but nope, no dice).