Jokes I'm not sure that I get...

There are so many subtle jokes that I am almost paranoid about missing one. I'm still catching new subtleties. For example, when Lucille gives Maebe the elephant brooch, I got that Lucille received brooches whenever George Sr cheated. And that George Sr must have hooked up with an au pair, but I had missed Lindsey claiming she was the one that pointed to the laundry room and said "they're in there". So ones are not too sure about: 1. Buster being excited about the bird on his pillow ● 2. Lucille saying "How do you like them egg rolls Mr Goldstone?" ● 3. I didn't understand why buster was being bullied by someone in a bear suit for lunch money ● 4. Tobias asking if his inmate #2 would be scary in "a darkend (dark end?) alley, I mean dark alley"