Has anyone else *become* ace over time?

I used to experience sexual attraction, when I was a teen I was horny just like all my friends, used to think boys were cute and even some girls too. I started to find difficulty being attracted to ppl in my late teens\early 20s. I thought I was just picky or had too-high standards or something. I rarely found anyone attractive, but when I did, everyone agreed the person was like an 11\10 so of course everyone thought they were sexy. But it continued to get worse over the years. I'm 37 now and every person just looks like a person. No one is attractive. No one is sexy. I desire no sexual contact with anyone.

Possibly related: I am having a harder and harder time recognizing faces as I get older. I literally have to rely on things like tone of voice, vocal inflection, birthmarks, piercings, hairstyles and clothing\accessories to identify people I know because I have such a hard time with faces. These two things did not start at the same time but I think they might be related.

Anyone else experience anything similar?

Relevant info: I've been on HBC and have been repressing my menstrual cycles for 21 years as directed by my physician due to endometriosis. I think this is playing into whatever else is going on and I'm keen to ween off the drugs to see what happens

ETA: even when I experienced sexual attraction, I did not enjoy sex. Have never enjoyed it, and bodily fluids have always grossed me out. That's never changed.