PSA: sex positive vs. sex favorable and sex negative vs. sex averse

I see a lot of people in the ace/aro community mixing up these terms and just want to provide some clarification.

Sex positive: you believe sex is normal and healthy, people shouldn’t be shamed for having sex, and people should be appropriately educated about sex.

Sex favorable: you personally are open to having sex with people in some way, whether it be casual, only in a committed relationship, etc.

Sex negative: opposite of sex positive. You believe sex is shameful and dirty and should not be discussed openly.

Sex averse: opposite of sex favorable. You personally do not want to have sex with anybody, regardless of the circumstance. Note that you can be sex positive and sex averse at the same time.

Overall, sex positive and sex negative are used to describe attitudes towards sex in a general, societal sense. Sex favorable and sex averse describe one’s personal feelings and choices regarding their own sex life.