Why should a gay person look past all harm done by conservatives and vote conservative anyway?

Gay guy here living in the USA's midwest. I know 2 older gay guys who were discharged from the military years ago because of don't ask don't tell. We are told during pride month that gay people should not get an entire month because "where is the veteran or active military month?" Yet for many years you could not be openly gay and be in that very same military. How do you handle an argument like this?

I grew up in a conservative household but turned liberal as I grew older. I saw how my family in more conservative parts of the country (relatives in rural Kentucky and rural Arkansas) have very few social safety nets compared to relatives living in a rural area of say Minnesota.

I feel like as a gay person it would not make sense to vote for conservative leaning people since many wanted us to stay in the closet while in the military. 1 of the 2 gay men I know who was discharged from the military sent a letter to his boyfriend while across the world fighting for your and my right to be in a free country and because of that was discharged. Every moment I have a thought of voting for a conservative I remember moments like when the gay military member addressed the Republicans running in 2012 for president about gays in the military and a few people in the audience booed him.

Of the few and far between openly gay people I know that vote conservative many of them are (1) Younger (<25yo) (2) Unaware of the previous conservative politician stances on gay rights and (3) Vote stricktly only on taxation policies (yes all of the gay conservatives I know are wealthy). I have yet to meet a middle-class or lower-class gay conservative.

I am aware the Clinton administration helped make DADT a reality. However the Clintons reversed their decision later to get with the times. I look at a politician like John McCain who until the day he passed always felt DADT was in the right. Like... why? And why did George W Bush get angry with the SCOTUS deciding Lawrence v Texas the way they did? Why are there current SCOTUS justices who think the Civil Rights Act does not protect gay people (I believe the SCOTUS case was Altitude Express v. Zarda from around 2020? Like really?

I am confused by it all. I cannot comprehend a gay person voting conservative. I am all for many conservative principles like the 2nd Amendment. But how should I see past the harm done by conservatives to people like me?