Why does Cocaine seem to relax me, and calm my brain and body?

Tried cocaine twice now, been told it's very high quality. Tried again about 4 hours ago with trusted friends, and they were having a great time.

Each time I try it, I do get slightly social and talkative, but what I notice most of all is an incredible sense of relaxation wash over me within a few minutes after the drip.

I can close my eyes, lean back and take deep long breathes, slow my heart-rate on command, and just really, really relax. I'm normally anxiety ridden when sober, and this actually helped me control my anxiety, my breathing, my heart-rate, my thoughts, etc.

It almost reminds me of the way that taking a (small but recreational) dose of benzos feels. Much more control over my thoughts and feelings, and much more calm and collected, rather than jumpy, paranoid, or hyper.

  • Has anyone else experienced something like this?

  • Could it be possible that my anxiety may be more manageable by trying something safer from a doctor like adderal, rather than using xanax to control panic symptoms instead?

  • I'd really like to get off Xanax, and I was shocked at how much this seemed to have almost the same affect on me. Is this even possible?

Thank you guys.