What does it mean to be anti-trans?
We just had a top post in the sub saying that gays who are anti trans are not good people. The post was very popular. But it didn’t cite any specific argument or person. What does it mean to be anti trans?
I have a feeling the person who made that post would count those voicing concerns or criticisms of certain ideological aspects of the trans community as anti trans.
There is an idea among certain loud voices in the trans community that if you don’t go along with their ideology that you are “causing violence against trans people.” This response alone is worthy of criticism.
Manipulation tactics like equating criticism with violence are always red flags. They will even accuse critics of making trans people commit suicide. And that’s an even bigger red flag. Threatening suicide to make someone change their behavior is probably the worst manipulation tactic I can think of. It’s also very immature and something spoiled children resort to when you take away their video games.
Trans people who are perceived as too conservative are regularly accused of being anti trans. So while I’d like to take seriously that there are some gays out there who are genuinely anti trans, I have a feeling that the post is talking about gays who would be perfectly fine with trans people as people, but would be aligned with someone like Blaire White or Caitlyn Jenner when it comes to trans politics. And I don’t think that really qualifies someone as anti trans.