Young leader
How do people generally look a young leaders? - I mean people in their late 20’s or early 30’s.
From a personal perspective I think young leaders bring a different dynamic to a team, however, they without doubt doesn’t have the same experience as a person in their 50’s who been in job for a lot more years. Even though they haven’t been a leader and possibly doesn’t won’t to, they have some more business experience.
As a young leader, what are the toughest challenges you’ve faced?
When business do look for people to pick up a position with leadership, they all want someone with prior experience. There will always be personal traits which can point in the direction of a decent or good leader - but how can a young person fill that gap, and jump the cliff from zero leadership experience into a leadership position. At some point, they have to take the step and someone above need to have trust in them.
To the young leaders; how was your path into a position as a leader? Furthermore, was you asked to take up that role, was there a posting you applied for did you shoot your shot and asked for a promotion or chance to become a leader?