(Spoilers Main) Characters who have genuine Psychiatric issues.
This is not the first time anyone has done this, so I apologize for this not being original but it’s fun to talk about nonetheless. What characters do you think fit the criteria for legitimate mental health issues or psychiatric disorders? Let’s face it, you can be evil and not have a psychiatric disorders. I actually think Tywin fits that criteria. He has narcissistic traits but in my opinion, is just a mean jerk, at the end of the day. One who appears to the world to be a genius, but is actually a privileged jerk who gets by with money and status. However, there are people who have genuine psychiatric issues and personality disorders.
Tywin’s daughter Cersei shows classic signs of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. She is one of the best cases for it ever depicted. The fact George goes through the trouble of showing that part of her love for Jamie is rooted in his physical similarity to her is quite telling. She also has some Borderline traits like impulsivity, rapidly shifting moods, inappropriate anger, and maybe a fear of abandonment.
Lysa Arryn is an example of pure Borderline Personality Disorder. She hits pretty much all the criteria.
Petyr Baelish is an interesting one. I say he is comorbid Antisocial and Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which I think most people agree with, but his supposed “love” for Catelyn and Sansa might throw people off. He doesn’t love them, he is infatuated with them because he was infatuated with obtaining a woman above him in status. They represent everything he feels he’s been denied for his low birth. Also, love doesn’t shift to a proxy. Lastly, he consistently ruins both of their lives without a shred of guilt or concern for their feelings.
He has all the traits of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and every Antisocial trait except aggression and impulsivity. He actually displays recklessness and irresponsibility. He is playing an astronomically dangerous game that could get him killed on a whim, and he is socially irresponsible. Double crossing, embezzlement, and putting everyone’s lives at risk to play a game for ambition, revenge, and the thrill of tearing his opponents apart. If anyone doubts he has ASPD, I have attached criteria for proposed revisions the DSM had considered for Antisocial Personality Disorder and he fits it like a glove. He lacks the criteria for Paranoia so he isn’t a Malignant Narcissist. Book Littlefinger seems utterly lacking in a fear response (think his duel with Brandon) unlike him whiny, sniveling show counterpart.
I’ll throw in Tyrion too. Depression, inferiority complex, PTSD, and alcoholism. There are numerous instances where he displays signs of an inferiority complex.
This is not the first time anyone has done this, so I apologize for this not being original but it’s fun to talk about nonetheless. What characters do you think fit the criteria for legitimate mental health issues or psychiatric disorders? Let’s face it, you can be evil and not have a psychiatric disorders. I actually think Tywin fits that criteria. He has narcissistic traits but in my opinion, is just a mean jerk, at the end of the day. One who appears to the world to be a genius, but is actually a privileged jerk who gets by with money and status. However, there are people who have genuine psychiatric issues and personality disorders.
Tywin’s daughter Cersei shows classic signs of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. She is one of the best cases for it ever depicted. The fact George goes through the trouble of showing that part of her love for Jamie is rooted in his physical similarity to her is quite telling. She also has some Borderline traits like impulsivity, rapidly shifting moods, inappropriate anger, and maybe a fear of abandonment.
Lysa Arryn is an example of pure Borderline Personality Disorder. She hits pretty much all the criteria.
Petyr Baelish is an interesting one. I say he is comorbid Antisocial and Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which I think most people agree with, but his supposed “love” for Catelyn and Sansa might throw people off. He doesn’t love them, he is infatuated with them because he was infatuated with obtaining a woman above him in status. They represent everything he feels he’s been denied for his low birth. Also, love doesn’t shift to a proxy. Lastly, he consistently ruins both of their lives without a shred of guilt or concern for their feelings.
He has all the traits of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and every Antisocial trait except aggression and impulsivity. He actually displays recklessness and irresponsibility. He is playing an astronomically dangerous game that could get him killed on a whim, and he is socially irresponsible. Double crossing, embezzlement, and putting everyone’s lives at risk to play a game for ambition, revenge, and the thrill of tearing his opponents apart. If anyone doubts he has ASPD, I have attached criteria for proposed revisions the DSM had considered for Antisocial Personality Disorder and he fits it like a glove. He lacks the criteria for Paranoia so he isn’t a Malignant Narcissist. Book Littlefinger seems utterly lacking in a fear response (think his duel with Brandon) unlike him whiny, sniveling show counterpart.
I’ll throw in Tyrion too. Depression, inferiority complex, PTSD, and alcoholism. There are numerous instances where he displays signs of an inferiority complex.