where does this rank in the franchise for you?
Brotherhood was an excellent addition to the franchise, and proof that Ubisoft was heading in the right direction. I believe Unity was the peak of what conceptually could be done with Assassin’s Creed, and they veered off in a vastly different direction , losing me in the process (though in retrospect Origins is pretty good considering the current state)
What do you think were the best Assassin’s Creed games? It’s an interesting topic as the series is now a different genre entirely; with there being the traditional story focused stealth-action gameplay of the old AC, and then the massive open world RPG that the newer ones are known to be.
- AC3
- AC4
- AC:Unity
- AC:Brotherhood
- AC2
Yes - the gameplay of Unity, Black Flag & even AC3 remastered could be considered vastly superior to 2, however I have to factor in how these games felt to play at the time. Factoring in nostalgia, the gameplay mechanics at the time, and most importantly the story - AC2 is still the best.
Brotherhood was an excellent addition to the franchise, and proof that Ubisoft was heading in the right direction. I believe Unity was the peak of what conceptually could be done with Assassin’s Creed, and they veered off in a vastly different direction , losing me in the process (though in retrospect Origins is pretty good considering the current state)
What do you think were the best Assassin’s Creed games? It’s an interesting topic as the series is now a different genre entirely; with there being the traditional story focused stealth-action gameplay of the old AC, and then the massive open world RPG that the newer ones are known to be.
- AC3
- AC4
- AC:Unity
- AC:Brotherhood
- AC2
Yes - the gameplay of Unity, Black Flag & even AC3 remastered could be considered vastly superior to 2, however I have to factor in how these games felt to play at the time. Factoring in nostalgia, the gameplay mechanics at the time, and most importantly the story - AC2 is still the best.