In your opinion, which sign would make a bad boss?

My current boss is a Libra. She’s not bad and she’s actually nice to her employees but sometimes I feel like I’m doing double work because she’s indecisive and changes her mind a lot. She’ll tell me to do something a certain way and then later change her mind and tell me to do it a different way when I had already started or was about to finish my task. I just don’t find this a good quality to have as a boss because you need to be firm with your decisions.

I’ve also had a Leo boss who would yell at you without remorse and thought she was better than everyone else. But Leos are bossy people in general so it was expected.

Two nice bosses that I had were Sagittarius and Capricorn. Maybe they had attitudes like all bosses but overall I think they did their job right, they acted professionally and qualified for their role.

What have been your experiences?