What's your craziest experience w religious people?
Just curious to hear if people had any interesting stories about religion. I'll start!
When I was in my early 20s my uncle, who used to be a pretty laid back guy, decided he would be into this whole Christianity thing, and brought me to his church. Having lived in a heavily religious culture (the Philippines), I was used to being dragged into these thing. I thought I would do the usual - tuning out the babble and waiting for it to end, and so I was rather bored as the mass went on.
Then shit got weird.
The priest started saying that he was invoking the holy spirit and that people would be healed of their illnesses, and start speaking in tounges. People around me started babbling incoherent nonsense, INCLUDING my uncle. They got so into it, it's like this insane (as in, bat-shit) energy that was really unsettling. Some were claiming they were healed, etc. I remember thinking I'm surrounded by rabid people. I just stared in shock and didn't move, didn't speak, didn't know what to do.
After that my uncle took us home (he was still babbling something - didn't sound like anything to me, but apparently it was a long dead arabic language. And when we got back, he didn't get out of the car, looked me in the eye and asked if I was ready to dedicate my life to Jebus.
I said "yep, sure thing, of course!" while thinking I just have to agree with this madman and get the hell out of here.
Needless to say, I avoided the guy as much as I could and never went to church since then.