The nativity and the normalisation of rape in the foundation of Christianity

Well, it's this time of the year, the time when people celebrate the forced insemination of a 13 year old.

The birth of Jesus, the foundational part of the Christian religion is fundermentally ine of rape, Mary if impregnated by a literal god, and in most legal systems a strong power imbalance nullifies consent, you can't have sex with a teacher for example because they hold power over you, and it is incredibly difficult to make the claim that an omnipotent and omniscient god does not hold power over a person.

While Christian's will state that Mary was happy to carry Jesus, though this comes dangerously close to the argument that "she wanted it" and that god would know because of his omniscience, is it not possible then that he used his omnipotence to make her happy to carry him.

The worst part of the whole thing, at least in my opinion, is the fact that primary school children (4-11 years old if your not from the uk) are forced to perform the nativity, aside from the question of brainwashing, the performance generally coming form the position that the events did happen, it is disgusting that a five year old girl, is forced to act out the act of a forced pregnancy, this fundermentaly normalises rape in our culture, from a younge age