Religion is poison for the mentally unstable

Magical thinking,believing you have some sort of relationship with an invisible entity and that its purpose in your life is to guide you on your life path,holding onto the belief that this entity is sending you signs and taking them as they come because you believe they’re from ‘the lord’.

Religion in general is very dangerous especially for people suffering from mental disorders,especially ocd,bpd,schizophrenia because all it does is amplify the delusions people with these disorders are experiencing.

I also believe that religion can also lead to mental disorders even if said person was typically in a good condition mentally before converting to said religion(christianity,islam,hinduism).

I suffered from severe limerence(which is an unhealthy obsession with a person that you hold much information about;could even be a stranger).I used to have a so called ‘christian phase’ and I also used to believe that god was sending signals and signs about this person and that we were meant to be together because I prayed every night and this ‘god’ seemed to be answering by prayers about said person.I used to believe that it just wasn’t the right time and that god will place us together when the time is in concordance with gods plan.

It feels so strange hearing people talk about their parasocial relationship with a false deity and the fact that they can put it in such high regard compared to their families,friends,lovers.I always come across people saying that god should always be put first,before their kids,relatives or significant other.