What's your "elevator pitch" style argument, either in favour of atheism or in debunking a religion (or religion as a concept)?

Title, really!

I'm a rambler. I could ramble for days, and it takes me paragraphs to respond to messages that only needed a few words or minutes to explain something that didn't need to be explained. Oftentimes I've lost people before I've even got to the point I was trying to make.

So, I wondered what people's elevator pitch style arguments are, either in direct support of a atheistic view of existence, or in an attempt to directly disprove a specific religion or religion as a whole, general concept. The little soundbites that make you think and don't need 4 hours and a moderator to talk about.

I think a lot of religious folk have already decided what they're going to say in response to us before we've even finished speaking, so I think it's good to talk about some quick ideas that get right to the point!