Who's the smelliest titan shifter?

In my opinion, Pieck, as the Cart Titan, is probably the smelliest Titan shifter. Here's why:

The Cart Titan requires Pieck to stay in Titan form for extended periods, often for long, physically demanding missions. In this form, she’s constantly moving on all fours, carrying heavy equipment, and enduring conditions that don’t exactly allow for proper hygiene. Unlike some of the other Titans, who can shift in and out of their forms with more ease, Pieck’s situation seems to involve long stretches of staying in that form—meaning she’s likely accumulated the kind of odors you’d expect from being constantly in a sweaty, battle-ready state without the chance to freshen up.

So, while other Titan shifters like the Colossal or Armored Titans might produce steam or be associated with different kinds of physical effects, the nature of Pieck's duties and the time spent in her Titan form makes her the most likely candidate to have a persistent smell. It’s just a logical conclusion based on her Titan's design and the realities of her character’s role.
