I lost my wallet

I can't find my wallet and I don't know what to do. I've been searching for it since 1am (it's 7:45am now) I barely slept half an hour. I had two mental breakdown, called the police station at 3am to ask if it was given there, it wasn't. I last saw it Saturday. Around 19:20, I was getting groceries. I was wearing my favorite pants, a T-shirt and my new green hoodie over it. I had my new bag and wasn't wearing my jacket. We were picnicking before so I had to rummage to get my wallet out my bag to pay, my bag was full though so I put theemonster and the instant noodles in the pocket of my hoodie, one packet of instant noodles I put in my bag, I think I put my wallet in my bag too. We went home, in the kitchen I took the stuff out, then I went to my room because the others were eating pizza and it was in the oven so I decided to call for a while, I went back downstairs and I made myself a packet instant noodles for dinner. I searched it in my bag, hoodie, jacket, drawers, laundry basket, behind the furniture, everywhere I can think. I can't find it. I was reassured its fine, I can get a new ID and that stuff. I know I can get new one but it's not the same. I don't usually loose things and my mental health has been declining lately but I need my wallet. I can't just get new stuff, it's not the same. I feel like shit, I got a pounding headache and I can't do anything because I need my wallet.