Are 2H weapons clearly "the best"?
Just beat the game and came back for a replay on the highest difficulty. Was struggling a lot with damage in both runs until I respecced into 2H weapons and then it's been much smoother.
Is it true that because of how scaling works that 2H weapons are best? E.g.
- 1H sword has 168 damage at max tier, vs 284 for 2H sword.
- Add for example 40% on that from talents and 1H sword gains +67 damage (235) and 2H gains +114 damage (398).
- Damage resists static numbers (E.g. 30% + 60) so 1H sword does 104.5, 2H does 218.6 after resists.
- Consequently the 2H does >2x the damage after armor, whereas the base damage gap is much narrower. This gets wider as you stack more talents given the fixed # nature of damage resist.
I know that attack speed matters too, but depending on how that is calculated, faster weapon attacks could be proportionally better on 2H as well (e.g. a 1H sword attacking once a second gains 0.2 seconds with +20% speed, but a 2H attacking every 3 seconds gains 0.6).
There's also just the practical matter of not clicking 20 times per enemy with a sword/dagger which gets tiresome given how much killing there is.
Grimoires are really handy and I'm missing that on the second run though admittedly. Curious what others think.