UPDATE: HELP! My babygirl has a weird lump under her throat.

Comments were locked before i could give any update. But we were snowed in and couldn’t really go anywhere. So, my veterinarian roommate facetimed her exotic vet friend while we looked in her throat with a popsicle stick and a light to see if it’s inflammation or something stuck. ONCE AGAIN THIS IS A TRAINED VET OF 20+ YEARS DOING THIS NOT ME WITH GUIDANCE OF AN EXOTIC VET. It looked like she had something stuck in her throat we were told to pull gently if she doesn’t like it stop. She didn’t like it so she stopped. a day later i come home from work and find a regurgitated piece of spagnum moss. soooooooo….

PSA: make sure all spagnum moss in your humidity box is wet and IN THE BOX.

she also had a small case of scale rot. I gave a diluted iodine bath for about 30 minutes in a tuberware closed (with holes) and her scales started looking better after two days. she had a shed and all her scales are beautiful now. she’s a happy healthy snake again and i’m so happy she’s okay!

Comments were locked before i could give any update. But we were snowed in and couldn’t really go anywhere. So, my veterinarian roommate facetimed her exotic vet friend while we looked in her throat with a popsicle stick and a light to see if it’s inflammation or something stuck. ONCE AGAIN THIS IS A TRAINED VET OF 20+ YEARS DOING THIS NOT ME WITH GUIDANCE OF AN EXOTIC VET. It looked like she had something stuck in her throat we were told to pull gently if she doesn’t like it stop. She didn’t like it so she stopped. a day later i come home from work and find a regurgitated piece of spagnum moss. soooooooo….

PSA: make sure all spagnum moss in your humidity box is wet and IN THE BOX.

she also had a small case of scale rot. I gave a diluted iodine bath for about 30 minutes in a tuberware closed (with holes) and her scales started looking better after two days. she had a shed and all her scales are beautiful now. she’s a happy healthy snake again and i’m so happy she’s okay!