Today Morning

Almost 10:30 now. A girl sneezes loudly, twice, like an alarm announcing that we're all late for the office. Even though I'm traveling on a BMTC public bus, the Silkboard to Whitefield route at this time is a clear sign that everyone is heading for their 9-5 jobs. Their co-branded backpacks and ID cards make it obvious. There are exceptions, like those on client timings, but the purpose remains the same. Everyone is going to the same place, just with different logos.

Every man and woman boarding and departing is glued to their mobile phones. A rare few, tired from screen time at their laptops, stare soullessly out the window at the never-ending metro constructions. Men occasionally try to follow their gaze towards passing women, but laziness prevails. They stop staring when their pupils reach their limits, unwilling to move their heads.

Only the conductor makes an effort, proving that this bus is for live humans and not zombies. Even zombies make sounds, but this air-conditioned bus is filled with air-conditioned people. Pin-drop silence. Maybe they are finally fulfilling their school teachers' wishes.

"Dhadddddmnm!" A tall man, almost reaching the ceiling, falls to the floor. One or two around him take a lazy gasp and feel pity as his stature is diminished. But that's it. The majority of the passengers don't even hear the sound, their eyes and ears fixated on screens and earbuds.