An online book club?

Hello!. I have had severe problems with sleeping in the past year and my solution : escapism xD. After a certain time in the night, I step into my alternative world. No thoughts allowed from the other world. I read and I sleep. Worked good for me till now

ANYwho, would be amazing to share this reading journey with some fellow anonymous bangaloreans. I strongly think reading has something to offer for everyone. I don't really have the time to manage a discord server with a new job and all so if anyone would be kind enough to setup one, that'd be great. As long as anonymity is maintained, I think this can be amazing.

Ps: Alright guys, amazing traction. Would be really great if a couple of you can ping me about willing to moderate. I'm quite aware of how stupid people can be, don't want any discomfort arising due to my need to have a community. Need someone responsible:p.