7800X3D vs 9800X3D/4070ti Super vs 4080 Super for 32:9 Gaming

Hey friends,

I'm looking to build or possibly purchase a prebuilt that's centered around two games that I play and future proof me for possible ventures I would like to do such as streaming, on top of that this would be played on my G9 32:9 Samsung Monitor which I feel plays a heavy role on what I want to build.

The two games I'm playing and planning on playing are:

Final Fantasy XIV

Monster Hunter Wilds

At the moment MHWilds is incredibly unoptimized I feel and on launch will probably be terrible, but I'd like to build a pc that would make it look decent versus the current 6800H/3070ti Laptop that I have at the moment... which gets super hot, even in FFXIV at times.

I would like to play these games on high to maximum (probably not possible for MHWilds but I'd like to get close) with 120FPS consistently.

However after doing some research, I feel that there are a few things I have to consider especially since I play on a 32:9 ratio, which I'm hoping will be able to unlocked for MHWilds as well which only runs at 21:9.

It seems that 32:9's demand would be somewhere between 1440p - 4K, with that, I'm a bit confused on whether I should prioritize my CPU or GPU to meet that resolution, I understand that DLSS is the norm and while I'm fine with that for FFXIV, it honestly makes Monster Hunter Wilds look terrible.

Would like some opinions on the GPU and CPUs I listed above, if I should even consider other ones and at this point I'm not sure what prices I should be looking at as well, especially with the current market for both CPUs and GPUs.

Apologies for my ignorance and unnecessarily long text post, love looking for deals on bapcsalescanada but haven't actually built anything since I was a teen!