Who portrayed Bruce/Batman the best in your humble opinion?

IMO I think Batfleck was the best, he portrayed the character accurately and had a physically imposing presence. Bruce is meant to be intimidating even without the bat suit, and he captured that well. He also did a great job showcasing Bruce's intelligence and detective skills. He looked almost identical to Bruce in the comics; he had Bruce's mannerism so on point, and he always seemed confident in his abilities, who is your pick?

IMO I think Batfleck was the best, he portrayed the character accurately and had a physically imposing presence. Bruce is meant to be intimidating even without the bat suit, and he captured that well. He also did a great job showcasing Bruce's intelligence and detective skills. He looked almost identical to Bruce in the comics; he had Bruce's mannerism so on point, and he always seemed confident in his abilities, who is your pick?