Help! Dry flaky lips
Hellooo all. So I’m not and never have been a huge lipstick/lipgloss girly. But my husband loves when I wear it so I’ve been trying to wear it more often. The problem is, my lips have always been dry and flaky and it just looks way worst with lipstick on top. I have tried a number of things. Lips masks, Vaseline, lip scrubs, aquaphor, Burt’s bees chap stick, I even tried lanolin which I had seen worked for a lot of people. Nothing and I mean nothing is working. Also, I am constantly drinking water so I know that I am well hydrated. My Stanley cup is with me 24/7 and people often tell me that I seem to drink lots of water. So I’m not sure what else to do or try but if anyone can help me I would really appreciate it!!! Help please!!!