How to cope with temporarily living with my avoidant mother?
As much as I love living alone, I need to move back in with my mom for a year or two to save money as things are expensive these days. Only thing is, my mother is an avoidant and I’m scared of the toll that will have on me emotionally.
She is the classic dismissive type who has no room for people’s vulnerabilities (her exact words) and has a very sharp and critical tongue and wouldn’t know how to comfort a crying daughter if I gave her instructions. It’s not that we don’t get along but it’s only a matter of time before she becomes really hurtful and I’m scared of having to deal with that again. Especially because I sometimes never know where I will stand with her because she will have an issue with something and not address it until later and she often uses people’s flaws as value judgements against them. And yet she is super sensitive to criticism like no other.
I have no choice at this point because I can’t afford to live alone and finding roommates isn’t an option due to housing crisis. I love my mother deeply but I don’t always like her and I’d like advice on how to cope without being too triggered?
I think my pain also comes from the fact that I really desire a deep relationship with her and I’ll never get it.
What are some coping strategies I can use to cope with living with an avoidant?