Raisin Savings: £50 Free Cash (min 5k required) | High Interest Savings Accounts
Raisin UK non-ref is an online savings platform that allows you to open and manage multiple savings accounts through its marketplace free of charge.
Raisin is offering a £50 welcome bonus if you open a savings account and fund it with at least £5000 within 365 days
This applies to easy access accounts and notice accounts, as long as you keep the money in the account for at least 6 months; and fixed rate accounts with a term of 6 months or over
The highest paying easy access savings at the moment is Monument Bank at 4.5%
With Chase cutting my boosted savings rate to 3%, I knew it was time to start shopping elsewhere, so I ditched and switched! If you're on Chase's standard saving rate, you can do a lot better. With the bonus factored in this seemed like the next best deal.
To get the £50 welcome offer:
1) Sign up here and open your first savings account with Raisin UK. 2) Register and fund the account with a minimum deposit of £5,000 within 365 days. 3) Maintain a balance of at least £5,000 for six months in a fixed-term or easy access savings account. 4) If all conditions are met, Raisin UK will credit your Transaction Account of £50 within 14 days, no action needed to claim.
If you need to access the money within 6 months, you won’t get the bonus.
All Raisin’s UK-based partners are part of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). This means, if the provider fails, your money is protected up to the value of £85,000.
For full terms and conditions, visit https://help.raisin.co.uk/hc/en-us/sections/4405432678673-Refer-a-friend-bonus