Afraid of looking stupid at the gym?
imagine this
Youre 90 years old
on your deathbed
Having regrets because of not doing the things you wanted to do because of people who do not care about you or your life.
That would definitely be a sad ending.
I know that the second you step in the gym for the first time, it feels like the whole gym is just staring at you but seriously no one cares. Everyone is in their own head. most wont even notice you entering.
And lets say that some people start making fun of you for going to the gym
If they can't respect that you are putting in the work and effort, you shouldnt even care about their opinion anyway . Those are usually the people who never go to the gym because they literally don't have the discipline to do it.
Side note: all people at the gym started the way you did and most of them are going to be very nice and offer to help if you ask them nicely