Christmas with MAGA Family
So I just need to let this out and this is a subreddit that I know will understand.
Family is MAGA (husband and I are liberals), and we’re in the NC mountains with them for Christmas.
MAGA speaks for itself, but this year SIL has her pink MAGA hanging proudly on display right beside the garage door (she never puts it out). Also my brother has stated that Tom Hanks is number 2(?) on Epstein’s flight list???? Even worse? Family is buying it. 15.5 hours left.
ETA: So just woke up from a fitful nights sleep, to find the comments and y’all are hilarious and the best. Thank you for making this a little lighter with laughter.
To those who don’t understand why we would continue to come or why we would spend time with them, you’re not going to like my response but here we go.
1) You kinda sound just like them but from the left side. You name call, express how lucky you must be, etc. That’s EXACTLY the shit I’ve already heard from my family about liberals…just sayin it doesn’t make you sound hardcore, better, or smart. It makes you sound exactly like the people I’m surrounded by here, just from the left.
2) I’m really glad to hear that some of y’all must have never dealt with abuse or trauma that has you in a Stockholm situation. We’re not going to discuss my trauma today that keeps me here (review my post history if that desperate to know), but I’m here. There are a few times a year where we gather like this and I can put on my big girl panties and wade through it with minor venting like here. Just remember not everyone is at a point where they can say fuck you and walk away from their family.
Anyways, really thanks guys. This is a subreddit I adore, the podcast is my favorite, and I love the community it’s formed. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah y’all!