Colis Privé are either frauds, or extraordinarily incompetent
I ordered a neon sign on AliExpress. They appointed Colis Privé to deliver my package. I have had MANY problems with them in the past. Last time they made 4 fake attempts to deliver (no one showed up) and eventually they admitted they lost the package and sent it back (the seller never got it back, either).
Today (4 march) they claimed they had delivered my neon sign. AliExpress even claimed I "signed for it". I did not. I was at work. None of my neighbors know anything. Nor my family or friends. Colis Privé either delivered it to the wrong address, or they lost it and are claiming they delivered it to cover it up (wouldn't be the first time!), which would be even more heinous because they must have forged my signature to do it. Colis Privé, as usual, does not respond to emails or phonecalls. Their "file a complaint" option is unavailable because the package it set to "delivered". AliExpress refuses to take their responsibility, and they say because Colis Privé claims it's delivered, I am not entitled to a refund. This is wrong, and by EU law it is the responsibility of the seller to either ensure the package reaches the buyer, or provide a refund. I am out of options here. I'm forced to beg PayPal for a backcharge now, or I will lose my package AND my money.
Worst thing is, places like Amazon and AliExpress like using Colis Privé because they are dirt cheap. They don't care about the incompetence, the fraud, or the lost packages.
I'm furious. Such open, unapologetic frauds - operating in the open. For YEARS! How is it possible? How has no one sued them yet?