Potty Training Timeline
My wife and I just got our new Berner, Olive, two weeks ago and we’re in love. She’s sweet, goofy, loveable and a joy to be around. She’s been great with the light training we’ve been doing with her. She knows her name, will come when called (most of the time) and is beginning to get the basics of sit and shake.
However, we’re struggling with potty training. We’ve been consistent, we let her out every hour on the hour, and we give her treats each time she successfully goes outside. But we’re still having constant accidents.
She’s just 10 weeks and I know it takes time. I’m not worried, she’s a smart little pup. But curious to hear how long it took everyone to potty train their Berner
My wife and I just got our new Berner, Olive, two weeks ago and we’re in love. She’s sweet, goofy, loveable and a joy to be around. She’s been great with the light training we’ve been doing with her. She knows her name, will come when called (most of the time) and is beginning to get the basics of sit and shake.
However, we’re struggling with potty training. We’ve been consistent, we let her out every hour on the hour, and we give her treats each time she successfully goes outside. But we’re still having constant accidents.
She’s just 10 weeks and I know it takes time. I’m not worried, she’s a smart little pup. But curious to hear how long it took everyone to potty train their Berner