Hardy plant suggestions

Hello fellow fishy friend parents! My sister has a 10 gallon tank that I care for during the week days as she is in school a few hours away, but we seem to be having a problem keeping live plants alive. We have gone to the fish store and have asked for plants that are hard to kill, but only 3 plants have thrived in our tank, and we’ve probably gone through like 7-10 plants at this point that have unfortunately passed away. We have also tried adding a few “supplements” such as a bacteria ball and some other “fertilizer” type thing that you dump into the tank. We’ve had the tank for roughly almost a year. We have a fluval filter and gravel substrate. We also regularly do water changes. I have also noticed that the cory catfish (we have 3) really like to “attack” the plants, which is one reason why a few have passed on. Any suggestions? Also, if I’m leaving any information out that should be stated, please let me know and I will try my best to answer

TLDR: I can’t keep plants alive, I have a 10g tank with a betta and three Cory’s, I’ve tried a few things to keep them alive (“supplements”). I have a fluval filter and gravel substrate. I think the Cory’s might be contributing to some of the plant deaths due to them picking off all of the leaves. Any suggestions are welcome

Thank you all!!!