Baby stiffens

This is the third time it happened with my 10 weeks old. Twice in one evening a few weeks ago and now again. He basically has his arms up by his face and he clenches up. His whole body goes tight. I can see panic in his face and then he starts screaming because he clearly can’t control it. When I pick him up he relaxes.

The first time it happened I grabbed his arms and moved them down next to his body, then I grabbed him and consoled him. I was still supposed to put his clothes back on so I put him back down and it happened right away again. He stretched out and stiffened. The sheer panic/pain in his cry was horrible.

Dis anyone ever see this? I feel I should be concerned, but I am also not sure if its just a baby thing maybe? Babies do weird things. But I can definitely tell he panics and that it hurts when it happens.