Not allowed to bring baby to family women’s trip
I’m just wondering if I am in the wrong here and have PP mood issues that are affecting my judgment. My family is having a girls weekend out of town at a cabin involving all the women. It’s 18+. I know what you’re thinking, but nobody drinks due to religious reasons anyway so there’s not going to be alcohol or going to any bars. It’s just basically going to be hanging out with one another and playing games and stuff. Everyone is invited over the age of 18 but it was asked that I can bring my breastfed baby. I actually only exclusively pump but it’s 4 days away and I would have to discard milk. I was told that I cannot bring my baby. I’m having a hard time understanding why, there’s really no reason except for the fact that she’s a kid. She will be 5 months old. She spent days in the hospital at birth and they know I’ve had an awful past couple months with PPA and PPD and my mom told them that i really needed to get away for a little while but they haven’t replied. I just feel like there’s a difference because she’s breastfed mostly and I’m not trying to sound entitled but I think expecting a mom to leave a baby is kind of strange. I use formula sometimes but I prefer to do more breastmilk. They said “we want everyone there, so i hope it doesn’t hurt feelings that the baby can’t come.” in my opinion it’s rude and they don’t really want everyone there if they’re willing to exclude me for literally no reason other than the 18+ rule. i think it may be avoiding an argument if “if one kid comes everyone’s kids are allowed to come” and i totally understand that, it’s just that i am the only one currently breastfeeding in the whole family so i do feel it’s different. There’s also not any other babies formula fed or breastfeeding. What do you guys think? I’m totally open to opposing opinions on this! I just feel like it’s mean and I’m being left out, although not intentionally. I also wouldn’t be able to come because my partner works on the weekends so there’s nobody to babysit. My mom sided with me and also said she won’t be coming. I sent a text to the groupchat that said “I was really looking forward to this but since I can’t bring my breastfeeding baby my mom and I are going to have to sit this one out unfortunately. This is super disappointing.” I’m sort of regretting it but also I feel like it was warranted. I am admittedly super emotional these days so I’m wondering if my judgment is clouded. Thanks in advance for any input! :) <3