Strange smell??

So I’m almost 5 weeks postpartum after a pretty traumatic delivery, but healing quite well. I’ve been noticing a very pungent smell though and I’ve never had issues with that before.

I told my OB about it at my three week appointment, and she did a swab for infection but everything came back negative.

My bleeding stopped a while ago. Idk how to describe it other than kind of fishy & kind of cheesy (EW, I know 🤮) but I don’t have any discharge, fever, or burning/itching. I was told I was healing up well and my results were negative so then what is this smell?!

Like I can smell myself when I move, I can smell when I wipe, and after I clean down there…..🤢 I’m so self conscious; even if I get cleared at 6 weeks, there’s NO chance I’m letting my husband near me when I smell this gross.

Is my PH off or something? Or should I push for another test? (Side note: I retained my placenta and had not one, not two, but THREE different doctors arm-deep inside me to scrape it out…. so that adds to my concern of infection)