Did your Grandma react negatively to breastfeeding?

My grandma asked if I plan to breastfeed and when I told her that I do, she said she never breastfed her babies (both born in the 60’s). She didn’t have a reason as to why, so I assumed she either wasn’t interested or that it was cultural.

When my boyfriend told his grandma that I plan to breastfeed, she reacted in utter disgust and said she would never. Her kids were also born in the 60’s.

Aside from my bf’s grandma not being the kindest like mine, I found it weird that they both seemed to find breastfeeding so foreign.

I did a little research and interestingly, it turns out that not only was it not the norm in the 1960’s, but that decade had the lowest breastfeeding rates in US history. Only 25% of women even attempted it.

It sounds like there was a big (successful) propaganda campaign to ensure breastfeeding was seen as disgusting and only meant for the poors. It was even discouraged by doctors!

So I’m curious, what was your grandma’s reaction, if any, to you breastfeeding your baby?