I need your help.

Alright, so to get this out of the way, I’m 15, and my most people on my dad’s side of the family, including himself are J.W (Jehovas witness but I’ve read some stuff and haven’t seen very good things about it) I recently got my very own steamdeck, and I got a $20 steam card too. my dad also helped me set up my own steam and gmail account before the winter sale ended so I could actually buy the games. The steam cars wasn’t used up for some reason, so I still had 20$ left over.

I wanted to test what would happen if I bought a game using the money, so I bought a ninety nine cent game on steam, and it went to my gmail, so I assume my dad didn’t see anything. This is the main thing, I really wanted to play “The binding of Isaac” on my steamdeck since I watched some gameplay a while back and wanted to play it badly. The thing is, last time I tried to ask him, he said no due to some stuff (I can’t remember what he said) but he said I couldn’t get it. So now that I have the steam deck, after a bit of hesitation, I bought it. I bought it last week, and I’ve had a lot of fun with it, and I have around 12 hours on it. Now, I really want to get the dlc for it, but I need an explanation as to where the $20 from the steam card went if he asks.

Now, not to say that my dad is a bad person, but I’m really uncomfortable with being a “Jehova’s witness” it just feels really weird and forced on me. Now I do believe that god and Jesus does exists, but I don’t really like the whole “JW” thing. I can’t explain the exact reason but I absolutely hate it when he brings up god or the bible in a conversation that has nothing to do with the topic.

I’ve always felt limited and trapped by being a Jehova’s witness, and I just wanna live without worrying about wether I should do this or that, what’s the right thing to do or bad thing to do.

With that out of the way, I’m sorry if this isn’t the appropriate place to post this, but I really want to buy afterbirth, afterbirth+ and repetence.

I’m very aware of what I’m doing, and the fact that the game is 17+, but I’m not new to stuff like gore (I’ve watched some anime like made in abyss and Re zero) and I’ve already been taught who Satan is from the Bible, but I don’t really remember all the details and things, and try my best not to associate myself with this stuff.

Now there some things I need to do in order to get the dlc.

1: Ask my dad if I can get some money on steam

2: if he says yes and asks where the money went, have a backup for if he asks what the steam card money went to,

3: make sure I’m safe to get it once I pass the first 2 steps

but i just need a plan so I won’t get caught owning the binding of Isaac rebirth, so I can get the dlc smoothly.

I am extremely nervous to post this, and I do not mean any harm and I don’t want to come off as disrespectful to my parents or anyone. If any of you guys have recommendations, that would be appreciated!