Need help getting into Biology.
Hey all. I’m 21 and I love the idea of biology, specifically botany and in recent years I’ve realized just how much it interests me.
I want to make steps to pursue some kind of position in the field but I was never focused or dedicated in high school and practically took all the knowledge I could have consumed in school and ignored it and haven’t got any credits in advanced sciences.
I’ve never been prosperous in mathematics or chemistry but I feel like now that I’m not an ignorant teen I’d be able to hammer down and learn what I need to take steps toward that goal.
My question is how and where do I start to learn about these things???
Are there any apps I could use to jumpstart myself or should I just head to a library and find some books (even then I wouldn’t know what book to look for).
Do I need to just jump in the deep and and learn it through post secondary or has my opportunity passed and I’m just destined for a mundane career?
Any advice is much appreciated.