Can't find an interest, losing motivation. Need advice.
I'm an undergrad. I came into my program full of excitement and interest in a bunch of different topics in biology (genetics, neuroscience, immunology, yk the usual fun stuff) and really wanted to explore these topics and figure out what I want to do. My program is extremely challenging and just maintaining a good gpa has taken a lot of hard work. I've still managed to intern in two university labs, and did contribute to some work(which now feels like nothing,), but now over the years I just feel like I've lost all my drive. I hardly pay attention in classes (most of our professors are not good teachers, although their work is impressive) i still make myself study to maintain my gpa( which is quite good) but it feels very hollow, I feel very little drive to go read up on topics in my own, and I just feel like i lost the plot somewhere along the way.
I'm trying to apply to summer internships and I'm struggling with what to do. I'll feel like I have some interest in a given topic, mostly because it contributes to healthcare advancements let's say, but when i actually get to the nitty gritty of reading lab publications in that field, I just get put off. This does not add well to the insane time pressure I'm facing to apply for summer before opportunities run out.
This is very distressing to me as I've always been a high achiever and a hard worker. I feel like I'm slacking off but I honestly just feel like i lost my passion. I know this is kind of common once people start their PhDs, but I'm still in undergrad! It feels like a horrible sign for my future.
There is a generally competitive atmosphere at my university and I think it's possible that after a point all that passion got lost while I was trying to just keep up with my peers. I'm just very confused on how to figure my way out of this. I still have some time to explore till my thesis, and could really utlize this summer to help. I'm also concerned about what this means for my future, should I stay away from research?Any advice from someone who has been in this position would be invaluable. Help!!