Thoughts on using F word

I know this question has been asked before but I would like to add onto it. I’ve been thinking lots about my language and how it can affect others perception of me. I myself (21M) for context am bisexual and have a girlfriend, as well straight passing, (so I’ve been told) and that’s where a lot of people seem to have a problem with me using it. I’ve said the F word when referring to myself or when trying to be silly. But I’ve always made sure never to call others it or use it in a derogatory manner.

I thought it was ok for the longest time as I myself am very comfortable with my sexuality and thought if I never used it to put down others it would be fine. But I’m having second thoughts now. I’m always trying to be better and improve as a person so if anyone can help me understand it would be much appreciated (: I just want to know if this is a case of reclaiming the word or it’s something I should never use. Thanks for your comments in advance!