I’m scared
I (21M) have had strange feelings for a while. I feel aroused and excited by the idea of being with a man, but I’m scared that if I like it, that would lead to something further. I feel like I could definitely kiss or sleep with a man, but I don’t know if I could fully love a man. I’m still very attracted to women and the idea of loving a woman is far more appealing than loving a man, but the desire to sleep with men and women are about the same.
I’ve never had a relationship or even had my first kiss. I don’t really know what these feelings mean. I feel like I desperately want to try sleeping with and kissing a man, but I’m terrified as to what that could lead to. The idea of being bisexual arouses me for some reason, but the thought of it also scares me and in a way repels me. Is there any advice for this?