Hi All,
In light of some recent posts and top comments talking about the state of this sub, thought it would be good to chat about rule guidelines, how we treat each other and what the community would like to see going into the new year.
Lately there has been a lot of snark on here versus kindness and support. This is a global subreddit with women from all over, some are parents, some are childfree, some are baristas, some work in the C-suite, some are outdoor enthusiast, some like to craft.
We all have the right to be here.
Let’s remember the golden rule; if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all. You are not being a girls, girl by being mean, snarky or down right rude.
u/daddy-tywin said it best in the thread about looking for other expensive subreddits. She said no woman should have to justify herself to other women (this particular thread was about disposable income), because men sure don’t. We have to stop tearing each other down.
The elephant in the room is different income brackets. Over in the handbag subreddit women can post both their Birkin and Target tote with positivity from the community. Let’s do the same here.
There have been at least five posts recently that aggressively attacked the OP without asking follow-up questions or looking for genuine insight. Folks are quick to take offense when it usually isn’t the intention. There have also been mean comments that have nothing to do with the topic and are just unhelpful or snarky.
We know the world is changing rapidly and there is a ton going on. I know I feel it and it can be hard. Let’s make this a kind place to be, real life is already hard enough.
So with that said, Housekeeping;
Automation has been implemented and now all posts go through review prior to going live. Ensure you read the side bar before you post to make sure you are posting within the rules. Search the sub to see if your question has already been asked. Folks get upset if we don’t approve posts but to give an example in one day recently we had four people ask about dainty jewelry. By the fourth one we didn’t approve because if you search you would see so many posts. You may say what’s wrong with having so many? First, this community genuinely doesn’t want that many, as you all report it. Second, engagement goes way down and we want everyone to engage and have new topics to discuss.
Let us know if you want the word “tacky” to be banned. We will set up the automation to restrict it. This seems to be a trigger word where heavy moderation has to come in. Tacky weddings, tacky trends, tacky airport outfits!
While this is a women’s sub, we are strict about the content. Subreddits like r/twoxchromosomes or r/witchesvspatriarchy could be a better suited subreddit. Check our side bar and rules to determine where you should post. While we allow topics other than fashion, this isn’t the place for drama. r/NYCbitcheswithtaste said it best that this isn’t your diary so no posts like that.
Being mean. We actively moderate this point. Your comment will be removed and you could be banned.
Moderators do this for free and we have day jobs and lives. Cut us some slack, we don’t always get it right. Some of you reach out to us when we make a mistake and we do our best to help. Appreciate when the community just lets us know. We want you to have a nice time here, so it’s just a simple message and we will try to support!
Finally, what would you all want to see going into the new year? What topics? Are any of you interested in user flair or events? Let us know!
Thanks for reading and hope you all have a lovely day wherever you are!
Tacky stays! If someone posts asking if x is tacky please ask more questions to understand their point of view. This word shouldn’t create the discord we have been seeing so remember there is a real person you are speaking to before commenting.
Two more points to add;
On voting. We see a ton of down voting in this subreddit.
Reddit says: Vote. If you think somethings contributes to conversation, upvote it. If you think it does not contribute to the subreddit it is posted in or is off-topic in the community, then downvote it.
Votes on posts become “I like that” and “ I don’t like that”. Votes on comments become “I agree with that” and “I don’t agree with that”. Which technically isn’t correct.
You don’t have to follow this exactly but it is helpful to think about how to vote before doing it.
Recommendations for men. This is a slippery slope so we won’t allow it. We don’t allow recs for men or men asking for recs. There has been an uplift in both and we will delete it everytime.