Sometimes you should meet your heroes. They might promote you to black belt.
Here it is after training on and off since 2007. The very first BJJ video I ever saw was the classic ArmyOfZenMonkeys highlight of Leo Vieira. Said to myself, “if I ever get a black belt it’s going to be from him.”
Well, promise to myself fulfilled with a lot of help along the way from the likes of (and in no particular order) Nestor Bayot, James Gamble, Sean Patrick Flanery, Shawn Williams, Sean Apperson, Ricardo Franjinha Miller, Bill Cooper, Milton Bastos, Henry Akins, Gustavo Gasparin, Gabriel Almeida, Jorge Bezerra, Jamie Hatch, Jonatha and Jansen Gomes, and a whole bunch of other studs.
As my old screenwriting boss/mentor used to say to me, “doesn’t matter how or why, you get there when you get there.” Train hard and train often. Good shit will happen.