What should you know by purple belt?
I'm close to purple belt after years of on/off BJJ.
I'm old (mid 50s), not very technical but I can hang with the younger blues at my club at least. I tend to do the same shit all the time in sparring despite trying to widen my game . I'm stocky and fairly strong and tend to do basic BJJ - fight for top, stay on top, get to mount, sub. Not so good at catching subs off my back although I have a couple from collar/sleeve. I do try to learn new stuff and watchy tutorials and think about it a lot but I appear to have low BJJ-IQ.
Anyway....recently I was learning RDLR in a class and I realised I didn't know it at all despite the time I've been training and it occurred to me that I really ought to have at least a half decent grasp of the major guards etc before purple right? Or is just being about as competitive as the people at the same belt enough?
What do you think?