Are PEDs more widely available nowadays?
I've noticed a concerning amount of blue belts that are very noticeable on gear. I first started noticing it in my current gym but, after traveling a bit this year for work, it definitely seems like it's becoming more common place. I'm in pretty good shape so this is not a "er mah god they have muscles they must be on roids!" post. It's a, these blue belts are looking huge, feel like steel, have endless cardio, and move like someone half their size. I'm even pretty sure I know who the dealer is at my gym. I personally don't care who does what with their body but I've had to be more vigilant lately because some of them just see a brown belt and then see red. Hell, I had a dude last week who just completely over powered me in every position. It was such a hilarious disparity in strength and power that I actually started laughing mid roll because it fault like I was rolling with a lump of steel. Anyhow, that kind of made me wonder about other gyms.
So, how saucy are your gyms?