Fellow children of immigrants… how long did you wait to tell your parents about your long term partner?
Hey all. My family is Nigerian (Igbo) and I’ve started the process of telling my mom about my current long term partner of 1.5 years. Like many of us, I have a weird relationship with my parents and it feels strange to invite her into this part of my life. I plan to tell her in steps- first getting used to the idea of me dating, then telling her I’m seeing someone exclusively, then bringing him around eventually. This should take 5-8 months. I know it’s a lot, but it gives me the time to mentally prepare myself for the nonsense that comes with telling your parents about your partner.
For those of you in similar situations, how long into dating your partner did you tell your parents? How did you tell them and what was their reaction? Especially if you haven’t told them about a partner before.