Safe places for Black Women to live?
Hello! Thank you for reading. I am a 27 yr old professional living at home in the D.M.V area. I graduated college spring ‘22 and feel like I’ve been stagnant on my personal growth. I have a nice paying job making $110,000 and stayed at home to save money to purchase a home. Unfortunately my mom was diagnosed with cancer and I blew through it on supplementing the household expenses and tbh emotional spending due to the depression of possibly losing my mother. She is now in remission and with my 30’s approaching I want to move out and be on my own. In my area the housing market is high and I while i could afford to purchase something it would either be in an unsafe area, an old house needing $$$ in renovations or 75% of my income going into my mortgage payment .So i was considering moving to a different state where i could get more bang for my buck since im a virtual employee. What states/areas have a good social life but affordable housing and safe for a single black women? I heard Houston, TX and Charrrollte.NC are good but I am open to more feedback. Thank you in advance!