One of CODs buggiest game launches
Don’t get me wrong I’m loving bo6 so far but surely this has to be one of the buggiest COD game launches in Call Of Duty’s history. I’ve encountered multiple bugs:
Weapon XP resetting (have to close and re-open the game to fix it)
Blueprint guns taking off an attachment
Multiple random crashes
Bodies rag-dolling beyond the new mechanics
Game glitching as if I have bad internet (I don’t)
Some people can’t claim their rewards
Exfil not appearing in zombies
Guns appearing as a big colourful square on the load out screen
The game giving you minus XP (doesn’t affect anything though)
Don’t get me STARTED on the GPR 91 because I swear it takes wayyy too many shots to kill anyone with it
I’m sure there’s more I forgot to list, what bugs have you all encountered so far 🤣