Coin slot - no sterile field? Very worried.
So I had a coin slot done and I expected there to be a sterile field set up?
I think I got it iodined first (so quick!) but other than that, there was no drape, my hair wasn’t kept away more than I’d set it aside at the start, and the artist *talked while right over it* likely getting saliva into it while suturing it. (I felt some get on my face…..)
I’m like, absolutely panicked about infection. Can somebody tell me if I’m rightfully concerned and should probably somehow try to get some prophylactic antibiotics, or if I’ll be likely to be okay despite the unclean experience.
Sad because in all my research, the only complaints about this person was not about the quality of their work. Regret.
Love the placement otherwise though. That just super turned me off.
Edit: since it somehow doesn’t seem to be clear, they were not wearing a mask and I ACTUALLY FELT saliva land on my face during the suturing. I’m not just being weird about them talking during.