Hey gang. Just for background, I'm 31, reasonably fit, been doing calisthenics since last August. Before starting that, I was pretty active, tried a few different things (weights, running, etc), but had trouble committing to a fitness program. Now, almost a year in to calisthenics, I love it! I've been mainly working on basic moves and am just beginning to get into more intermediate territory (like archer movements) and skills. Without going into too much detail, I feel like I've made some fine progress and my diet's pretty clean.
Where I fail dismally is sleep. I'm prone to bouts of insomnia that will last 2-3 weeks; I generally average 3-4 hours of sleep a night during this time. These attacks can be a few months apart or up to a year. I know that sleep is very important for muscle regeneration, but what happens when you literally CAN'T sleep? I'm not asking for advice on curing insomnia, but rather a) how much does this impede my progress? and b) is there anything I can/should do to keep myself safe? I don't want to stop working out whenever it hits, but I also don't want to injure myself. Thanks for any insight you might have.