I've been increasingly concerned with the 'culture' of purchasing hundreds of books that people have no time to read... Libraries are still a thing, people

I can't say BookTok is to blame per se, because our capitalist roots always find ways to capitalise on culture and pleasure, but it's worrisome to me how much of this community is based on book hauls. I'm yet to see a famous booktuber that reccomends using the library (physical or digital) to borrow books. It seems like buying books became the new fad, while we could be supporting communal spaces for reading and enjoying books of all genres that are present in libraries, and then maybe purchase the ones we really liked. Everything seems excessive nowadays, and even buying books became this thing where you can't just buy one every once in a blue moon, you have to get 15 from your famous bookstore to then enjoy maybe 1 or 2 out of them. If it were people from cities or small towns with no access to libraries, I'd completely understand. But there are people living in well served big cities, ordering hundreds of books a year, instead of supporting the never-so-much-needed idea of reducing and reusing...